Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic marketing approach where a company targets named or identified or key companies/accounts for communication. This approach is mostly employed in IT organisations because of long sales cycle, complex propositions and large customers. There are various tactics that are employed. This approach is also called:

  • Account Based Marketing
  • Key Accounts Marketing
  • Strategic Accounts Marketing
  • Named Accounts Marketing

Professional Account Based Marketing Services

Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a thoughtful modern-day approach applied by the companies to make their sales and marketing strategy more powerful. In ABM, a business communicates the most relevant content to the customer accounts or individual prospects. At DemandWhiz, we provide professional Account Based Marketing services for your business.

Account Based Marketing Strategy

Work as a Unit: The sales and marketing team needs to work as a unit. Team members need to recognize the accounts targeted, create effective messages and deliver them at the right time and to the right clients.

Be Unconventional– You need to be unconventional as lead generation hasn’t been the job of only marketing staff anymore. It has become more customer-centric.

Campaigns Integration– Account Based Marketing doesn’t mean only marketing or advertising. You need to be more focused and integrated for Account Based Marketing campaigns integration.

Personalized Content– Creating personalized content is a very important characteristic of the Account Based Marketing which you can’t ignore.

Why DemandWhiz – Account Based Marketing Benefits

Key Accounts Identification– At DemandWhiz, we start the process by identifying the key accounts which can be your prospective clients. We do this by scanning the historical data as well as evaluating the sales cycle length.

Requirement Understanding – Our team of Account Based Marketing understands the procedures, deeply. We consider all the pain points you have and work in tandem with the sales team to make a successful ABM plan.

Message Creation – After analyzing your existing content, our team creates the message and makes sure that it is clear and crisp, to generate highly qualified B2B leads.

Demandwhiz can provide the following activities to successfully generate qualified leads for your Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy:

  • Identify key accounts for your business, based on your product/services
  • Research and provide all the data intelligence to target your accounts better
  • Help you find similar relevant accounts
  • Suggest marketing plan/channels based on account profile
  • Get you the right contacts with complete intelligence within the key accounts
  • Suggest relevant and compelling content ideas, based on each account interest
  • Execute tele-demand content marketing/syndication programs
  • Generate Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) for you after tele-verfication of white paper syndication leads
  • Get an Opt-In permission for your sales people to call the contacts within the strategic accounts
  • Save your sales person’s valuable time by providing them ready to call leads with 100% accurate data on Named Accounts and contacts





Account Based Marketing has been around for over a decade and has evolved into the most preferred marketing strategy in B2B Marketing. There are proven advantages that it gives the highest Return on Investment of any B2B marketing strategy.

Implementing ABM can be very complex as it requires strategy planning and within that content planning, target audience planning, Assessment planning, and finally the success criteria planning. Big and some medium size companies can afford to have a dedicated team of sales and marketing professionals within their organization and plan out the entire strategy. But what about the companies that want to try it out but have very limited resources in terms of people and budget. Demand Whiz comes into picture in such cases. We have come up with most simplistic of the ABM strategy that can be implemented by any company to test the efficiency. The good part is; it is cost effective too. We guarantee that your sales guys would be extremely happy with the quick warm leads that our strategy will provide that too in a quick time. If you are happy with the test program, you can sign up for a consistent number of such leads on a monthly basis.



We gather information from you to understand your objective and the type of leads that you want. You give us your most desired account names. If you don’t know, you give us the industry vertical, the company size and the title of the decision maker in the account. Our data intelligence team gets this sweet list of accounts and contacts within for you.


You give us the content that you would like us for the promotion. It can be a white paper, a recorded webinar, product manual or any other marketing material that you may have. It would be better that you already know what has worked for you in past. If you don’t know, don’t worry, we will suggest.


Now Demand Whiz has everything that it needs to execute your ABM program. We will tell you in advance the timelines for each delivery. We will get back to you if we come up any questions white executing the program or come across a lead that wants to purchase your product or service!


We will be ready with the delivery as per the timelines communicated to you.

You will get the tele-qualified warm leads as defined by you within the Accounts that you wanted to target.

We will also share the entire database that we developed for your program. This is usually the same number as the number of warm leads.


Get professional Account Based Marketing Services from DemandWhiz!